Frequently Asked Question

Forgot Student's Email Password?
Last Updated 4 years ago

  1. On your browser(Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox ) and search Gmailimage
  2. Input your student email address as where XXXXX is the middle number of your registration number B123/XXXXX/2020 as shown below and click next.image
  3. On the next screen click on forgot password and click next as shown belowimage
  4. Wait for an SMS containing a Google verification code sent to your phone to verify the email account belongs to you. Input the code as shown below and click next. (This will prompt if you have enabled two-step verification)image
  5. When you click next you will be required to input your personal email where a verification code can be sent and then click nextimage
  6. Check your personal email inbox for an email with a code and copy the code. You will need this code to verify this email is reachable to recover your student email address.image
  7. Once you input the code you will be required to wait in order for the account to be verified so that you can recover the student email.image
  8. A link will be sent to your personal email to reset the students’ email passwords. Click on get started and proceed to reset your student’s email Password.
  9. Choose the password that you will be using to access your student’s email

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