Frequently Asked Question

How do I access University of Embu E Learning platform?
Last Updated 4 years ago


  1. To access University of Embu E-Learning Platform, go to University of Embu main website,, Click the E- learning link, or scroll down to resources and under the resource tab click on E- Learning. You can also type the following address to your browser:
  1. Once you open the ODeL Website, click the E-Learning portal as shown below.
  1. Once you click the E-Learning Link you will be redirected to the E-Learning Portal as shown below.
  1. You will proceed and create a new account by clicking New Account
  1. Fill in the fields appropriately
  1. On the Username field, fill in your admission number in full i.e e220/12345/2016 all in small letters.
  1. On the password field, use an appropriate password for your account that you are sure to remember Note:

The password you choose must comply to the password policy i.e. The password must have at least 8 characters, at least 1 digit(s), at least 1 lower case letter(s), at least 1 upper case letter(s), at least 1 non-alphanumeric character(s) such as *, -, or #

  1. On the email field, use the University student email i.e Note:

One can also use their personal email address during the account creation i.e.

  1. On the First name and Surname fields, input your names as recorded in your national ID.
  1. Under “City/Town” use Embu and Country select Kenya


If the email doesn’t appear in your inbox, please check the spam folder.

  1. Once the account has been verified and you have logged in, the first page you see will be the Dashboard page as shown below:


Your name will be indicated at the top of the dashboard

For course enrolment, the system has the following two (2) options which can be explored

Option 1: Self enrolment into a course

  1. To search for a course/unit, select the Site Home menu item on the left and search using the unit name i.e. HSM 124 and press Go or the enter button on the keyboard
  1. A screen with the unit will be displayed. Select the unit by clicking on the image or the unit name.
  1. If the course/unit has been set for anyone to self-enroll, you will be able to enroll without an enrollment key by clicking the “enroll me” button. If the course/unit has an enrollment key, the course Lecturer should provide prior to enrollment.


If you have any challenges in the enrollment process, kindly contact your lecturer or your class representatives

Option 2: Manual enrolment by a lecturer

  1. If a lecturer has enrolled you into the course, you need not go through option 1 above. The dashboard should have the course that you have been enrolled to by your lecturer under the “My courses” menu item as below
  1. Once enrolled to the course, you will be able to access course materials as provided by your lecturer via the “My courses” menu item

For further assistance on the platform kindly contact ICT support team through:  Email:

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